About me

I was born in 1982 in Poland. I m mostly focused on street and documentary photography, but also enjoy time with camera whenever and wherever. In 2016 I lost my computer with 98% of my work. I was crashed. Didn't know what to do, stop doing photo or starting again and remember never give up for passion. The best way to describe what mean photography form me are words Peter Marlow " Try to let the environment provide the picture rather then imposing my photographic desire onto a situation. I identify the things that seem insignificant at the time but when you look beck on them realize they are important", Raghu Rai "shoot from Your hart and don't think" and Alex Webb "photography must give You a question". In my own words is like 'Finding Nemo" which means to find something special and simply on this complicate World.

About me


  • Creative Magazine "The art of Portraying Who We Are, Portraits". 2017
  • Creative Magazine "Tickles of Travel". 2018


  • Group exhibitions in Asia Society Hong Kong Center patroned Magnum Photo
  • Group exhibitions in Spatif Sopot patroned SSF
  • Group exhibitions project "Vogole" upcoming


  • "Black and White life"
  • "Around the World in a minutes"


  • Sopockie Szkoly Fotografii
  • Magnum Photo Workshop in Hong Kong
  • Exploration India with Raghu Rai